This song really satisfies that part of my musical palette that hungers for proggy characteristics and odd time signatures. It certainly delivers on that and the synth lead melodies are tasteful and have great energy! I'm a fan, and will be checking out your other stuff!
If I had to offer a suggestion based on this track, I'd spend some time finding a way to mix your music in a way where it doesn't sound... how should I say... "squished"? Maybe lift up the compression thresholds all around and let the drums pop out of the mix a little more. There's endless ways to go about it, but definitely be cautious with compressors for they can truly make or break a mix! All the sounds are fighting to be louder than the others, and if there's a pounding compressor on top of all of it, that could be the reason for the "squished" sound. Once you hear it, you can never un-hear it.
Really amazing stuff! I only wanted to offer that bit of critique because you're clearly talented and I think your music would benefit a lot if it had more dynamic room to "breathe" and really let the instruments pop out as they please. Keep up the good work, friend :)